Ed's Vision

Throughout his distinguished career, Ed Broadbent – educator, advocate, and political icon – has strived to create a better and more compassionate Canada. The Institute exists to advance this vision.

Of course we want a society where freedom is cherished and a competitive market economy prevails. But we also believe in the importance of equality. We understand that too much emphasis on markets can threaten important social programs and produce extreme levels of inequality, which excludes too many Canadians from making meaningful choices and enjoying a life of dignity.

The vision of Canada I propose is richer, more compelling, and achievable. We know things can be better. As a social democrat, I see government pensions, universal health care, trade union rights, and comprehensive unemployment insurance as proof that economic resources can be collectively harnessed and allocated to create greater equality and hence enhance individual freedom and choice. And all of this can only flourish within the context of ecological sustainability.

Our hopes are not unrealistic. We are pragmatists as much as dreamers. And our fight must continue.

I firmly believe that a majority of Canadians favour progressive policies – and they are looking for new tools to build the Canada we want. The need for a resource like this Institute has never been more urgent.

There’s a lot of work to be done. I invite you to join us.

Ed Broadbent

Ed Broadbent